About Curt Micka
"Curt's work with the Enneagram, combined and integrated with the power of interest-based negotiations and conflict resolution theory, provides for profound and sustainable change and development. And as a trainer, Curt's extensive knowledge and experience with negotiations, mediation and collaboration; his intellectual knowledge and thoughtfulness; his high level of care and compassion; and his profound belief in everyone's potential makes his work remarkably powerful and effective."
– David Daniels, MD – Author of The Essential Enneagram and World Wide Enneagram Teacher
"By combining conflict resolution principles wtih the nine personality types of the Enneagram, Curt creates a map for growth and transformation in the learning environment of his workshops. Because of his years of conflict management experience aqnd his deep understanding of the Enneagram, he delivers an elegant, effective "how to" experience. I found the workshop helpful to me in all parts of my life and I highly recommend it."
– Anne Muree, Executive coach and Enneagram educator
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Curt Micka, J.D., is the Owner of Conflict Transformation Services, LLC. He has more than 20 years’ experience as a mediator helping leaders, businesses, families, school districts, government agencies, and non-profit organizations find more constructive ways to resolve both internal and external conflicts. In the past, he was the Executive Director of the MN Commission for Deaf & Hard of Hearing People and was the Assistant Director of the Deaf & Hard of Hearing Services Division of the MN Department of Human Services. He was also the lead attorney for the Legal Advocacy Project for Hearing Impaired People, a program of Mid Minnesota Legal Services.
Curt is a certified teacher of the Enneagram in the Narrative Tradition and was an original Senior Member of Enneagram in Business Network (www.theenneagraminbusiness.com/index.html). He's a member of the International Enneagram Association Board of Directors and he's the former President of the MN Chapter of the International Enneagram Association (MN-IEA). He's also a certified user of the Conflict Dynamics Profile (www.conflictdynamics.org), the Mobius Model (http://www.mobiusmodel.com), and is certified as a coach with the Deep Coaching Institute and Cinnie Noble’s model of Conflict Coaching.
He co-facilitates a workshop entitled "The Ennegram's Gift to Mastering Conflict Constructively and Compassionately" with Dr. David Daniels (www.enneagramworldwide.com/enneagram-teachers/david-daniels). And he has used the Enneagram and interest-based negotiation theory to help co-train international health care workers in Washington, D.C., Atlanta, South Africa, Uganda and Kenya about how to move from Conflict to Multi-Party Collaboration using the Enneagram and Interest-Based Negotiation techniques and principles.
Curt has also trained members of the Target Corporation Communication teams and the staff of Experience Life magazine about how the Enneagram can enhance networking, collaboration, and relational management skills, therein helping employees become more effective and valuable employees and team members.
Past and Current Clients
What others have said about Curt..
"Learning from Curt Micka about the Enneagram and applying that knowledge to both my professional and personal worlds has improved my ability to navigate life more comfortably and smoothly. Understanding my Enneagram profile — as well as my co-workers' profiles — has empowered me to manage up, down and across levels more successfully and with greater insight. With Curt's guidance I continue to explore understanding my own natural tendancies, allowing me to relate more positively to others in the work environment and also with family and friends. I am grateful everyday for the information and knowledge I have learned from Curt. He is a fabulous presenter and incredibly knowledgable about human nature. Learning about the Enneagram has been the most useful tool I have encountered in my 29 years of being a manager."
DHS Mananger
Program Development
What people have said about Curt Micka's Workshops..
“Leadership, Emotional Intelligence & the Enneagram”
Non-Profit Board
“Conflict Management & the Enneagram” presentation,
IEA Conference:
“Conflict Management & the Enneagram” Workshop
St. Paul
“By combining conflict resolution principles with the nine personality types of the Enneagram, Curt creates a map for growth and transformative action in the learning environments of his workshops. Because of his years of conflict management experience and his deep understanding of the Enneagram, he delivers an elegant, effective, “how to” experience. I found his workshop helpful to me in all parts of my life and I highly recommend it.”
– Anne Muree, Executive coach and Enneagram educator
Emotional Intelligence and the Enneagram Workshop
ASL Interpreters
Conflict Management Seminar
University of St. Thomas
From Inner Critic to Inner Wisdom June 23-25, 2017 Madrid, Spain
The Triadic Nature of Conflict Transformation at the 2017 IEA European Conference in Helsinki, Finland September 22-24, 2017
Befriending Your Inner Critic at Unity Church in Golden Valley, MN October 22, 2017 1:30 – 3:30 pm
Transforming Conflict with the Enneagram for the IEA Korea Affiliate, Seoul, Korea, November 25-27, 2017
Transforming Conflict with the Enneagram, 3 day workshop, Xiamen China
Transforming Conflict with the Enneagram, Conference presentation, IEA Egypt 2020 Conference, February 7-8, 2020
Co-Facilitation of Panel discussing Subtypes/Instincts, Cincinnati, OH, April 3-4, 2020
Transforming Conflict with the Enneagram, Conference presentation, IEA Colombia Conference, Bogota, Colombia, April 23-25, 2020